In the traditional Tibetan Buddhist religions and traditions exist eight stupas (Tib. མཆོད་རྟེན་ཆ་བརྒྱད་, chöten cha gyé). This
eight types of stupa that are found in the Tibetan tradition and which represent eight important events in the life of Buddha Shakyamuni. Nagarjuna relates the eight Stupas with specific events and places in the Buddha's life in his Astamahasthanacaitya-stotras.

Tibetan stupa in Kopavogur is number five in this tradition and her name is:'Descent from Tushita Heaven'.
The Buddha's mother, Mayadevi, was reborn in a celestial realm called the Tushita Heaven. To repay her kindness, the Buddha spent three months there and taught her the path to enlightenment.
This stupa represents the Buddha’s return from the celestial realms in order to continue teaching the people of northern India. Each side of the stupa has a stairway in the centre of the four steps.
For the benefit of all sentient beings ...... Buddhist Stupa 'Descent from Tushita Heaven' in Kópavogur (near Reykjavik) Iceland. This Stupa was built by (a.o.) Þórhalla Björnsdóttir. Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche blessed the land on August 21 1992. Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche consecrated the Stupa on November 18 1993.

During his forty-first year, Shakyamuni Buddha ascended from Shravasti, where he used to pass the rainy season with his monks and nuns, to the Tushita Heaven, and passed the rainy Season retreat period there, teaching Abhidharma to his mother, Queen Mayadevi, who had died seven days after Buddha’s birth and was thus unable to receive any teaching from her enlightened son.
During his forty-first year, Shakyamuni Buddha ascended from Shravasti, where he used to pass the rainy season with his monks and nuns, to the Tushita Heaven, and passed the rainy Season retreat period there, teaching Abhidharma to his mother, Queen Mayadevi, who had died seven days after Buddha’s birth and was thus unable to receive any teaching from her enlightened son.
It is said that Mayadevi had been reborn in Tushita as a male god. The same happens to the mothers of all the Buddhas, who later go to teach them in heaven.
Seven days before his descent from Tushita, the Buddha again became visible to his foremost disciples. Anuruddha perceived him by his divine sight and urged Maudgalyayana to go and greet him. The great disciple did so, telling the Buddha that the Order longed to see him. Shakyamuni replied, that in seven days he would return to the world. A great assembly of the kings and people of the eight kingdoms gathered. As the Buddha descended, a flight of gold stairs appeared, down which he came.
He was accompanied on the right by Brahma, who, holding a white chowry, descended on a crystal staircase, while to the left Indra came down a flight of silver stairs, holding a jeweled umbrella. A great host of gods followed.
Thus Buddha descended from Tushita Heaven where he went to repay his mother’s kindness by teaching dharma to her and other celestial beings. He remained in Tushita for 3 months. As a result of receiving the teachings, Mayadevi attained the realization of an arhat.
/written by Anjula/