What made me most aware of the place was, of course, Sverrir himself, the house option, the old cars, the old industrial school and so on the hydroelectric power station, and it is clear that this has a long and remarkable history ...

Sverrir Valdimarsson hefur búið í Hólmi í Landbroti lungann úr ævinni og er ekkert á förum úr því sem komið er. Hann var einn á bænum; foreldrar hans eru dánir og féð farið, en hann situr áfram og Hólmur er honum allt. Þar gætir hann merkra minja um fyrsta verknámsskólann, sem faðir hans stýrði, og smiðju sem er óbreytt með öllu frá því smiðurinn gekk þar út síðast 1938.
Sverrir Valdimarsson has lived in Hólm in Landbroti lungs from his life and nothing is left out of the way. He was alone in town; his parents are dead and the sheep gone, but he sits on, and Holmur is everything to him. There he could mark a memorial of the first vocational school that his father managed, and a workshop that is unchanged altogether since the carpenter went out last 1938.
/ https://www.mbl.is/greinasafn/grein/1138801/

Kerfið sagði 58,9 en Sverrir fór í 60
Sverrir Valdimarsson er 68 ára (mbl 2007). Foreldrar hans; Valdimar Runólfsson, trésmíðameistari, og Rannveig Helgadóttir fluttu frá Reykjavík til skólahalds að Hólmi 1942. Síðan hefur Hólmur verið hans heimili og vettvangur utan þess að hann tók eitt vélskólanámskeið í Reykjavík og vann á vörubíl í nágrenninu. Þegar skólahald lagðist af í Hólmi keyptu þau Valdimar og Rannveig jörðina og bjuggu þar allan sinn búskap. Þau létust 1991 eftir nokkra dvöl á Ljósheimum á Selfossi. Síðan þau fóru hefur Sverrir búið einn í Hólmi. Aleinn.
Frá heimarafstöðinni til bæjar aftur liggur leiðin framhjá fjárhúsunum. Þar hafði Sverrir síðast 60 ær; kerfið sagði hann búa við 58,9 ærgildi, en hann bendir réttilega á að svo nákvæm tala sé erfið við að eiga í lifandi fé, einkum hvað snertir síðasttöldu kindina! Í raunveruleikanum verða að vera fullgild atkvæði og Sverri fannst þénugast að fylla tuginn. Það er ekkert nema mannlegt, þegar maður býr með lifandi búpening. Sverrir kímir bara að kerfinu. Það munar ekki meira um að reikna einum bónda 0,9 kind en að setja 2,5 börn í fjölskyldu.
Síðustu kindurnar lét Sverrir frá sér í nóvember 2005 og býr nú með engri skepnu. Ég spyr hvort hann sakni fjárins, en hann neitar og við næstu spurningu segist hann svo sem ekki hafa neitt fyrir stafni eftir að þær fóru. "Ég bara er hérna," segir hann. Sjónvarp notar hann ekkert, en útvarp mikið og hefur tvö viðtæki við höndina; annað stillt á ríkisútvarpið og hitt á Bylgjuna. Þannig getur hann fyrirhafnarlaust lagt hlustir við báðum stöðvum.
The system said 58.9, but Sverrir went to 60
Sverrir Valdimarsson is 68 years old (it was at 2007). His parents; Valdimar Runólfsson, a woodworking master, and Rannveig Helgadóttir moved from Reykjavík to school in Hólmur in 1942. Since then, Hólmur has been his home and forum outside of which he took one machine school course in Reykjavík and worked on a truck nearby. When school settled in Holm, they bought Valdimar and Rannveig the earth and lived there all their farming. They died in 1991 after a few stays at Ljósheimar in Selfoss. Since then, Sverrir has lived alone in Holm. Alone.
From home station to town again, the road passes past the herds. There, Sverrir had last 60 er; the system said he had 58.9 erythrocytes, but he rightly points out that such an accurate number is difficult to live with, especially for the last one! In reality, there must be a full vote, and Sverri thought it was worth filling the dozen. There is nothing but human, when you live with living livestock. Swearing just looks at the system. It is no longer a matter of calculating one farmer 0.9 cheek than putting 2.5 children in a family.
Sverrir Valdimarsson is 68 years old (it was at 2007). His parents; Valdimar Runólfsson, a woodworking master, and Rannveig Helgadóttir moved from Reykjavík to school in Hólmur in 1942. Since then, Hólmur has been his home and forum outside of which he took one machine school course in Reykjavík and worked on a truck nearby. When school settled in Holm, they bought Valdimar and Rannveig the earth and lived there all their farming. They died in 1991 after a few stays at Ljósheimar in Selfoss. Since then, Sverrir has lived alone in Holm. Alone.
From home station to town again, the road passes past the herds. There, Sverrir had last 60 er; the system said he had 58.9 erythrocytes, but he rightly points out that such an accurate number is difficult to live with, especially for the last one! In reality, there must be a full vote, and Sverri thought it was worth filling the dozen. There is nothing but human, when you live with living livestock. Swearing just looks at the system. It is no longer a matter of calculating one farmer 0.9 cheek than putting 2.5 children in a family.
The last sheep left Sverrir in November 2005 and now lives with no animal. I ask him if he misses the money, but he refuses and next question he says that doesn't have anything to do after they left. "I'm just here," he says. He does not use television, but a radio and has two receivers at hand; another tuned to the state radio and the other to the wave. Thus, he can effortlessly listen to both stations.
/ https://www.mbl.is/greinasafn/grein/1138801/

Owner of Hólmur - Sverrir Valdimarsson in 2017, Vik i Myrdal, Nursing Home.

Það stendur bíll í heimreiðinni svo við ökum ekki í hlað, en verðum að stanza neðar. Bíllinn í heimreiðinni er vel ferðafær, en á og við hlaðið eru fleiri bílar; flestir lasnir og sumir mjög og gamall traktor, sem er að gróa ofan í jörðina. Norðan við eru þeir ennþá fleiri, þar á meðal jeppi, sem okkur er sagt, að hafi verið í eigu Tómasar Guðmundssonar skálds. Það má svo sem segja að bílafloti sé við hæfi á bæ, þar sem fyrsti bíllinn kom í Vestur-Skaftafellssýslu 1926, þótt flestir séu þeir ekki ferðafærir í augnablikinu. Reisuleg húsakynnin höfðu komið okkur á óvart, þegar upp á hallann kom og við sáum heim að bænum, en nær sjáum við að þau eru anzi lúin. Samt dylst ekki stórhugurinn yfir staðnum.
There is a car in the driveway so we do not drive, but have to stanza down. The car in the driveway is well traveled, but on and off we are loaded with more cars; most are sick and some very and old tractor, which is healing in the ground. To the north they are still more, including a jeep, which is said to have been owned by Tómas Guðmundsson's poet. It can be said, for example, that a car fleet is suitable on a farm, since the first car came to Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 1926, although most of them are not traveling at the moment. The touristy houses had come as a surprise to us when we got to the slope and we saw home, but we can see that they are almost all over. Yet, the great interest is not hidden over the place.
/ https://www.mbl.is/greinasafn/grein/1138801/

Would you like see more photos from portraits of residents in Nursing Home, just go to visit exhibition at Hjallatun in Vik i Myrdal, Nursing Home.
"Portraits of residents."
Very warmly welcome 💚💙💜💛❤️
"Portraits of residents."
Very warmly welcome 💚💙💜💛❤️
Iceland 2017
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