Hafnarfjörður is the country's third largest town, a progressive municipality that is based on a family-friendly environment, exemplary services and a powerful business community.
Hafnarfjörður er þriðji stærsti bær landsins, framsækið sveitarfélag sem byggir á fjölskylduvænu umhverfi, fyrirmyndarþjónustu og öflugu atvinnulífi.

Hafnarfjörður is a unique town with an extraordinary history, where daily life and culture thrives in the middle of an old lava field. The town had a population of approximately 1400 when it was granted municipal status. Now, a century later, the population has exploded. However, the town retains its small-town air, its rural aura and its heart - which is not surprising given that the it prides itself on the largest unbroken neighbourhood of corrugated iron-clad timber houses in Iceland.

Hafnarfjörður, however, is not just an old town; it is also thriving, as more and more people realise the advantages of becoming a Hafnarfjörður resident. The town has grown quickly over the past few years and the new neighbourhoods have attracted a diverse community of people who are well aware that Hafnarfjörður offers a great range of commercial outlets and services, an active cultural life and plenty of activities. The town prides itself on a number of excellent kindergartens and primary schools, in addition to a music school, a vocational training college, and the well established secondary college, Flensborg. Hafnarfjörður is also a sports town, with a high level of participation in sports activities, partly due to the town subsidising the membership fees of its children. Unspoiled nature is never far away in Hafnafjpörður, and opportunities for outdoor pursuits, in a beautiful environment, are limitless.

HAPPY New Year 2019 ! <3 and Thank you for 2018 <3
NEW YEAR in Hafnarfjörður <3
Iceland 2019
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